torsdag 26 januari 2012

A "good to have " card

Hello there!
Yesterday was my blogday at Kristinas Scrapbooking and I made a little card with a hÄnglar stamp, it was a long time ago since I made a card with theese stamps.This is one of my favorite.
This card is a " good to have " card, don´t know if thats whats you call them but this is card that has no text...yet. :o)
Haven´t decide if it should be a happy birthday card or not so the text will be put on later...or if anyone buy it  they can decide what the text will be.
The papers are from Maja design, I just LOVE her papers!
Hope you liked it!
Hugs Malin

söndag 22 januari 2012

For a dear friend

Hello everyone!
Today I made a card you can give to a dear friend.
Most of the material is from Kristinas and you can read about it HERE.
Now I´m working on 2 magnolia cards again, love magnolia, and hopefully you will se one of them next time.
Hugs Malin

lördag 21 januari 2012


This will be in swedish:

Jag lägger upp denna Dt ansökan här på min blogg, den ligger ute på flera forum men jag tänkte att jag lägger in den på min blogg här nu oxå de sista dagarna innan tiden går ut.
Kristinas scrapbooking söker nu 4 nya Dt tjejer!

Är du intresserad av en plats i vårat härliga Dt-gäng.
ALLA är välkomna att söka dock är det en liten fördel om du är en Lo´makerska eller tycker om att altra då vi är många korttjejer i vårt gäng.

Här kan du gå in och kika på Kristinas scrapbooking och även kika runt i bloggen om du vill veta mer om Kristinas.

Du kan skicka ansökan till SENAST den 25 Januari.
Märk din ansökan med "Dt ansökan Kristinas".

Kravet är att du skall blogga på Kristinas scrapbooking blogg 1 gång i veckan med alster du skapat av material som du fått av kristinas.
Dessutom kommer vi ha en utmaning varje månad som vi kommer turas om att hålla i genom ett rulllande schema.

Vi ser gärna att du har en egen blogg och skicka gärna med länken till denna i din ansökan.
Skicka med minst 3 alster på dina arbeten som du tycker visar just din stil.
Skicka lagom stora bilder är ni snälla.
Välkommen med din ansökan!

Kram Malin

fredag 20 januari 2012

A valentines card

A couple of days ago I made this valentine card
I have used material from Kristinas Scrapbooking and in the end I really liked it.
In the beginning i didn´t know what to do with this glittering paper, I´m not so found of glittering papper I think they are hard to use.
BUT as I sad I actually liked this one in the end!
" loves overcome everything" is the text on this card.

Take care and have a nice weekend!
I`m alone all weekend so tomorrow I will visit grandma again.
Hugs Malin

Sad and happy happenings....

There has been a sad and tuff week here.
On wednesday morning 10:30 a friend at work passed away.
He had a knee operation before christmas that got terrible complications and on wednesday after a big brain bleeding he passed away.
It was unreal!
My brother was together with his daughter 2 years ago, and I work with him sometimes and he always got to work with this big smile and his backpack om his shoulder.
He only got 49 years old and it is so sad!
BUT the day after this I got this email and was asked to join a Dt team for Pysseldags and it really really lighten up my day! It has been so many sad things here lately so this was a really nice thing to be asked for and of course I sad yes.

Sorry to get so personal, I usually don´t get to personal on this blogg but I just wanted to tell you both the sad thing and the good thing.
I needed that , the good thing I mean and I really looking forward to join the team!


Take care of each other and tell all your loved ones that you love them!
Hugs Malin

söndag 15 januari 2012

My daughter.

This weekend, I and a friend took all saturday and just scrap together.My 13 year old daughter and her cousin who also is 13 joined us.
And they also sat all day from 12 to 24 and just scrap together.I didn´t get verry much done since I helped both my friend and the kids but we had a lot of fun!And I did make 2 cards for my self. ;o)

Today my daughter couldn´t stop so she has, almost all day, been sitting in the livingroom and making a card.
I told the kids to look in the Magnolia magasin to get inspiration, find something they like and try to make one themselves. And this is what my daughter made:
She was inspired by this card in the magnolia magasin
and SHE did this card:

The only thing I helped her with was cutting the paper and put on the girls.
The other card she made today she was inspired by this card:
And this is HER card:

Today I only helped her put on the white border on the paper.She sat with this card all day long today, painting this little magnolia girls and so on.She really enjoyed it and I just think it is fun that she likes it.
She is only 13 so I think that looking in this magasines is a verry good thing to do when they want to make a card, they get inspiration and do cards after the magasins.After a while I think they can get there own ideas for their cards, don´t you think?

In the begining they asked me all the time, mom how should I do and what did I think and so on, so I simply took this magasins and told them, find a card in the magasin that YOU like and make a similar one. And they did. =o)

Just wanted to show you my daughters work this weekend when the kids joined us for hours in this lovely scrapbooking hobby!

Hugs Malin


Hello there!
Today I will actually show you an Lo!!
It was so beautiful pappers so I just had to give it a try again to make an Lo.
So, this is it:
I love making this lollipo flowers!
I´m also joining the Allt Om Scraps bloggparty with this at Pumans place!
The material I have used is mostly from Kristinas Scrapbooking.
Hope you liked it.
Hugs Malin

söndag 8 januari 2012

Vintage card

I tryed to do a vintage card this weekend.I loved the paper I got from Kristinas Scrapbooking and I just had to do something with it!
I think it turned out ok even if I need more practise.
As you can see i used A LOT of stickles on it, I just love stickles...giggle....

With this card I´m also joining
Anonyma Scrappare.
Ztinas bloggparty

This year I will TRY to participate in more challanges,
that´s my goal for 2012.

Hugs Malin

lördag 7 januari 2012


Just made a little tag last week, a cute little one I think.
Forgot to show you so here it comes.
It´s made with left over christmas papers.
Tomorrow I will show you a vintage card.

And hello, don´t forget to join the blogparty!!

Hugs Malin

söndag 1 januari 2012

The begining!

Yes my friends.....
Then we are in the begining of a NEW YEAR!
I hope this year will be MUCH better than 2011.

I will start this year with a new card of course.
I made a card for my dads cousin who turns 20 in a couple of months.
I have been using most of the material from Kristinas Scrapbooking.
With this card I´m also joining this BLOGGPARTY that we have at ALLT OM SCRAP.
I´m joining 2 challanges with it and it´s at
Malwas place where I lift an Lo with the colour white, pink and green ( Lo no4 )
and at
Uzaans Pysselvrå where I follow a sketch.

Feel free to join all this lovely challanges att the bloggparty to!
Tomorrow I have to go back to work again.

Hugs Malin

Bloggparty Januari 2012

This post will be in swedish...
Ja då var det dax för ett bloggparty inne hos Allt Om Scrap!
Bloggpartyt håller på mellan 1/1 - 31/1 2012

Vi som är anmälda är:


Här kommer min utmaning:
Du ska skapa en korg efter Lena Katrines tutorial.
Material och färger är helt fritt MEN
korgen skall gå i lite romantisk stil.
En LÄTT korg att göra och SÅ himla rolig!

Ditt bidrag ska vara nygjort för den här tävlingen men
du får gärna kombinera den med andra tävlingar oxå!

Så här blev min korg:
Senast 31/1 2012 vill vi ha ditt bidrag.
Bidraget lägger du upp i din egna blogg och sedan länkar du ditt bidrag i inlinkz längst ner i inlägget.
Var noga med att det ska vara länkat direkt till ditt bidrag i tävlingen!
Alla är välkomna att delta, oavsett om man är medlem på Allt Om Scraps forum eller inte!
Kika gärna runt i övriga bloggar, kanske hittar du fler tävlingar att delta i!

Det här kan du vinna i denna utmaning:
 Jag och mina barn kommer att välja ut det bidrag som vi tycker ska vinna.
Lycka till!
Malin ( maline-73 )

Länkar till Bloggpartyt Jan 2012

1. pernilla-40  3. Annika - mamura75  5. Susanne/Uzaan  
2. Camilla-BitznPicez  4. Anna-Lena/Hönan  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)